3D Animation Talk
Discuss All aspects of 3D animation, Animation principles and methods, how to prepare a 3D model for animation, where to find character animation references and how to use particle animation for special effects. Talk about Animating shaders, lights and cameras.

Which are the best 3d animation programs?
I need to find 5 industry standard 3D animation software for an assessment at college and I am having a bit of trouble finding them.
If anyone knows ...
last post on January 02, 2025 - by michaelcolon

I would like to create a free resource for people to learn 3d character animation. Lets post here all 3d character animation tips and tricks. Character animation principles and methods as well as ...
last post on September 25, 2023 - by Shahrozahmed789
Sticky: 3D Animation schools
Greetings everyone!
First, I hope this is the most appropriate forum I could have placed this in...
I'm hoping that a few of you may have some recommendations for me.
I'm searching for any ...
last post on January 15, 2022 - by E7RAV
Sticky: 3D animation talk - posting rules
1. This is a forum for 3D animation topics only. All modeling, texturing and rendering questions should be asked in forums allocated specially for this topics.
2. Before asking any questions use ...
last post on March 21, 2005 - by Andyba
Can I Maintain Control Over Outsourced Business Processes?
Yes, businesses can maintain control over outsourced processes by establishing robust communication channels, defining performance metrics, and implementing regular monitoring mechanisms. ...
last post on September 25, 2024 - by joneast
Which Is Best Software For 3D?
Which software is best for 3D animation? What is the easiest 3D
animation software to ...
last post on September 25, 2024 - by Michael1703
How To Teach Your Audience About 3D Design And Animation
Please share your "Ways to teach your audience about 3D Design and ...
last post on September 12, 2024 - by molyroy
Unreal Engine In Animation
Hi everybody,
Hope not to intrude on a new topic. But I'm writing here to share the news about an educational program for CG/animation professionals that I believe members of this community would ...
last post on June 24, 2024 - by joyeym
How to create a LEGO animation without getting burned out?
Hello everyone, this is Denis Weber.
Today I’m going to talk about what happens if you combine LEGO and the iconic movie ...
last post on May 28, 2024 - by DenisWeber

For animators who are using Reallusion Iclone and Character Creator, there is a new website with a very, very huge library of FREE 3d assets! They even have 228gb content upload, 75gb content upload, ...
last post on December 06, 2023 - by Emz z
3D Product Rendering Services
Hi, We create stunning 3D Product rendering services please check the page ...
last post on August 23, 2023 - by Anna
How To Animate A Cube Rolling In 3ds Max
How to animate a rolling cube in 3ds max? I need a controlled animation with keyframes no dynamic ...
last post on February 22, 2023 - by henrycook665
How To Create Cartoonanimated Videos?
Animation has reliably attracted people energetic and old. From the earliest Disney show-stoppers to the breathed new life into shows communicated on Activity Association and Nickelodeon, the ...
last post on December 19, 2022 - by videojeeves

Hello everyone,
I'm a civil engineer with final year project regarding construction safety. Since I don't have any 3D modeling background, I was looking for best and simplest software to ...
last post on December 07, 2022 - by manuj
New App For 3d Animation
Guys what do you think about this new app for 3d animations?
I had the app for a week and made one review.
Check it out if you are interested in character ...
last post on August 10, 2022 - by dailyhighlight
Why The Ancient 3D Video Animations Are Still Popular?
If you’re looking for adding robust effects to your website and other online platforms, 3D imageries are the key. These
are extensively being used in digital marketing nowadays. Other than that, ...
last post on June 29, 2022 - by Taylor Hill
Help Me Find Old Soft From Description
Cant find te name of soft. Its something like physics based animation soft in where you can apply some forces to biped and it resists pushing ( you can apply forces to diffrent body parts). There was ...
last post on May 19, 2021 - by CG forums guest
MY NEW 3d Animation Instagram
Hey guys! Have a look at my Isntagarm account and tell me what you think of my work. If y'all have any ideas for a project leave a comment on my posts. Instagram account: ...
last post on April 25, 2021 - by CG forums guest
Should I Use Architectural Animations?
I'm new to architectural animations, but I really want to use one to gain more clients. I've heard about this architectural animations service from a friend, and I'm willing to try it. Do you think ...
last post on January 06, 2021 - by Ryan Sykes
How To Turn 3D Animation And Rendering Into Success
I am here to know how 3D animation and rendering can skyrocket your business.
What is the future of 3D ...
last post on December 28, 2020 - by pardeepale
Animate High-poly Character
It's really bugging me that I don't know this but can anyone point me to a source or tutorial on how to transfer the animations of a low-poly character to its high-poly variant and how to avoid ...
last post on September 18, 2020 - by arcdesoive
Need 2D & 3D Blended Video Animation
As the trend of As the trend of making a blended 2D and 3D animation video has become such a common thing, it has been used in every industry nowadays. We want to hire the highly professional video ...
last post on November 08, 2019 - by treverjohn123
Motionbuilder Mocap Weapon Attachement Help Request
I’m looking for some help.
I’m working on an animation where a model is supposed to walk a littlebit to the front while he is dragging a heavy axe behind him on his right hand.
What I ...
last post on March 07, 2019 - by Cowly
Huge Opportunity To Save On Character AnimationsÂ
Hey all, I found this helpful and figured some of you guys might too!
MoCap Online is a super cool resource for 3D character animations, and everything is 50% off for the rest of the ...
last post on January 16, 2019 - by jdrakegfx
Need Good Quality 2D AnimatedCartoons
I make short animated films and cartoons for a few pages on the social media and I usually get the contract from many of the social media accounts and pages. I’m only the video provider and not the ...
last post on October 24, 2018 - by lilianefriesen
Where to start off with 3D animation!?
I want to become a 3d animator when I am older. I have 3 years until I graduate from high school but where do I go on from that. Will colleges accept me if I never had any 3d animation experience. ...
last post on June 28, 2018 - by Lilia1996
Looking for beginners basic.
Hey guys, This's my first forum for the animation field i've created. Right now i'm doing my animation course and i'm about finish it and i'm working on my showreel. Hope i'll do good.
Would u ...
last post on June 09, 2018 - by Visualmedia
3D Animation Videos Of Real Estate ?
Is there someone in the forum that can do 3D animation video of real estate. I have a client looking to build a home and they want a 3D video made of the home before construction. They have ...
last post on May 21, 2018 - by Visualmedia
3D Realistic Human Deflation Example
Hi there,
First time posting here. I'm trying to find an example of something used in either movies or advertisements. I'm hoping for a clip reference of a human deflating, or a scene deflating. ...
last post on November 11, 2017 - by argonlex
Rigging A Jellyfish
I am a senior in college studying game art and animation. I have a year long project that I have to get done and it's focused around technical art. Right now, I am making a jellyfish rig that I want ...
last post on November 08, 2017 - by tjones
Discuss Incorporating VR In Architectural Rendering EasilyÂ
Discuss Incorporating VR In Architectural Rendering Easily :wink: http://www.archmania.com - you can check this link for further ...
last post on April 10, 2017 - by archmania

Hi everyone.
I am a newbie in Blender but I have some experience with 3ds max and other 3d software.
What I want is rotate multiple bones at once in blender in the pose mode.
I select multiple ...
last post on February 07, 2017 - by Andyba
3d animated movie
How much does it cost to make a 3d animated ...
last post on August 30, 2016 - by royrajib016
How To Not Lose Your Hard Work In Blender
If you created an action in the dope sheet in blender, make sure you press the F button near the action name to salvage it when you save your scene. Otherwise it will be deleted when you save the ...
last post on December 03, 2013 - by BlenderNewb
Workflow in animation
When animating, i have to animate the stage and the character at the same time or i import the cameras? when the stage is interacting with the charactacter which is the ...
last post on November 18, 2013 - by Zulu
Maya Constraints
I created a reverse foot setup and constrained it to the ik chain and structure of the foot. Every works fine - the leg bends and the foot rolls like it's supposed to. However, after setting a ...
last post on November 05, 2013 - by Andyba
Is there a place to download 3d figures?
Im not so good at 3d sculpting, but I would like to practice some animation, is there a place to get models to practice rigging and animating? I know a lot of programs come with tutorials that ...
last post on November 05, 2013 - by Andyba
Blender Demo Reel 2013
I see blender is starting to become ...
last post on November 05, 2013 - by Hulk3d
Which route for schooling should I take?
Hi guys,
I'm just wondering what your opinions are on schooling. I'm currently enrolled in an associates program for 3D animation, but I'm unsure as to whether or not I should drop it and ...
last post on September 04, 2013 - by Andyba
Hours to create a Teddy Bear 3d Model for Flash
Soon Im starting a website. As I like to implement a virtual 3D animated Teddy Bear (in Flash) I would like to know how much time (hours/days) approx. an expert needs to create a Teddy Bear in ...
last post on September 04, 2013 - by Andyba
how can i controll a 3D animation by sound?
Hello everyone, I wonder how it is possible to develop a 3D animation controlled by sound, for example a virtual puppet that reacts in real time to different types of music that we ...
last post on September 04, 2013 - by Andyba
My first Video Diary: Animation!
Hi, All
Thought i'd share my 1st Video Diary of my work!
- Talking and looking at my work
- Looking at drawing's, scamps plan's
- Showing viewers how to make a backdrop of houses
- Insight ...
last post on July 14, 2013 - by film maker

Lets compile a list of good 3d animation tutorials.
The tutorials should be only about 3d animation or rigging 3d models for animation. Texturing, 3d modeling and rendering tutorials should be ...
last post on May 06, 2013 - by tripoly007
[Rigging] Artistic vs Biological
Hello everyone,
After having explored the fine art of 3D-model rigging, I began to wonder: Why this way?
I see many humanoid creatures (covered in skin) being rigged with applying the joints to ...
last post on April 27, 2013 - by Andyba
3D Animation: Flash or ...?
We are developing a sophisticated website, based on Wordpress, PhP and MySql. Additional, we like to add virtual 3D animations. These animations should be able to interact with our MySql ...
last post on April 26, 2013 - by Andyba
What would one consider as plagiarism of work?
What would one consider as plagiarism of another person's work or design, if one uses another's work as visual ...
last post on February 04, 2013 - by Andyba
Infuriating problem with Motion Builder - please help! :)
Here's the issue, I rig and animate a character (in Motion Builder 2013) that is supposed to stay on his bike during several animations. Using 3DS Max 2013, the problem arises with the link ...
last post on February 04, 2013 - by Andyba
3D gigs preference...
Which one would you rather have?
A (High Paying) Boring job with a very "Stable" studio that only utilizes a fraction of your skill set?
A Creatively Challenging Job with a ...
last post on November 14, 2012 - by liutianbds
Check out this awesome cartoony animation !!!
This is a teaser I have posed and animated for the theatrical feature " Marco Macaco " produced by Nice Ninja .... I´d like to know if you like it ! : ...
last post on September 20, 2012 - by devikapathare
Hello this is my first post :)
i have been looking at animation and im interested in making a few , i know nothing about animation software , but i know the process takes long ,
can u advice me on ...
last post on August 23, 2012 - by arunt
I think people use maya software a lot for animation.. I ...
last post on August 23, 2012 - by arunt
Quaternions - how to limit axis?
Is there any possibility to limit quaternions to move only in x & y axis (like in Eulers- yaw and pitch, without rolling)? I's there any multiply equation or something similar to do ...
last post on July 25, 2012 - by Bartek
A question for more expirienced one,.
Well I'm not total beginner but I do have a problem... I had heard that has something to do with personal metabolism or "internal clock"... in short everything I do lets say today, looks ...
last post on July 11, 2012 - by Benzin
Freelance animation cost/prices ?
Hi, I'm building a budget for developing a 3D fighting game (yes, like street fighter, tekken,...). I would like to know what would be your price for animating the characters. All animations are fast ...
last post on July 05, 2012 - by taliatsur
Limiting an IK chain bone limits all bones, how do I fix?
I'm trying to animate a robot arm in 3dsmax with an IK chain, but I need the shoulder of the chain to only rotate with the Y axis. I've followed the instructions by Imho in the "IK Chains ...
last post on June 25, 2012 - by SockMonkey
Help an aspiring 3d animator
Hello everybody I am an aspiring 3d animator doing to college to complete my passion. If everybody could visit my site and learn how they can help the cause and spread the word it would be highly ...
last post on June 12, 2012 - by baalnazzar
latest animation showreel - i'd like to share
vimeo.com/42789540 just type a dot between vimeo and com :p admint doesnt allow me to paste a link, lol :D
hope u enjoy it ...
last post on June 01, 2012 - by baalnazzar
Austin Power's Fasha
I did this small little thing in my spare time in class. I've re-did some parts and got smoother movement this time around and I am currently doing the re-rendered version to make it better. Lemme ...
last post on May 05, 2012 - by oknplm
Looking for a Curriculum Writer for our 3D Animation Course
We are a Technology and Computer Summer Camp looking for the right person to design our curriculum/module for this summer's 3D animation course. The age group for this course is 13-17, so although we ...
last post on May 03, 2012 - by Wonder-Space
RyxProductions 3D Showreel 2012
Hey guys, Iv recently uploaded the 2012 3D modelling showreel including motion graphics. Im hoping for some feedback here guys, (hopefully not too harsh, dont want to hurt my feelings) ; )
Have a ...
last post on April 28, 2012 - by ryxproductions
Animation talk
I love animation.. did u guys watch megamind?? It was a awesome ...
last post on April 24, 2012 - by Kenyon
How do they do that?
I was just wondering how sitepal website makes their 3d models work with text to speech? Are there tools and tutorials out there that can show me a workflow of how this is done.
I would like to ...
last post on April 23, 2012 - by Chuck Spargel
Motion capture web applicatioon
Hello everyone,
I am planning to build a web application that you might find interesting, and would be very glad to hear peoples thoughts about it.
The web application would allow users to insert ...
last post on April 20, 2012 - by Darian divIT
Can we make animation by autoCAD
I USED 3DS MAX and import autoCAD , is it possible to use autoCAD ...
last post on April 18, 2012 - by charleshudgen
3d graffiti
Now someone should start that trend.. who's with ...
last post on April 14, 2012 - by Maximus1979
Switching Animation
Im new in the 3d animation world. I have the following problem:
I have a dog that can move (animation 1) and jump (animation 2). During his walk, i want to make him jump. How can i make ...
last post on April 10, 2012 - by baalnazzar
Creating a custom biped in 3d max
Hello, I'm creating a custom biped in 3d max. Creating the biped itself is more or less easy, it is composed by simple forms, but what I don´t know to do is how to link the parts, and what tools use ...
last post on April 04, 2012 - by adamk

(Solved) Lol
Extended timeline to 9k. Worked. :3
First of all I am really new to this. So my idea is to transport FBX file which contains skeleton and animation binded to it to 3dsmax. But ...
last post on April 01, 2012 - by indexMemories
Crazy Fractal Animations
Hi all, please enjoy my latest 3d fractal animations
Enjoy ...
last post on March 29, 2012 - by baalnazzar
My second Animation in MAYA- please review
I Have just started learning Animation, this is my second animation in MAYA. Please watch it and give your reviews. As i am new in this forum and i am not allowed to post my video. You can watch ...
last post on March 26, 2012 - by vipin123
Upcoming 3D Animated Movie: Dorothy of Oz
Greetings to all 3D Animation Fans! We hope to connect with you and invite you to come connect with us via our Facebook page: /dorothyofozthemovie
Be sure to Like us to receive updates and news ...
last post on March 24, 2012 - by Dorothy of Oz
Best Free 3D animation for Windows and Mac?
Hey all,
Maybe this is old talk, but still, hopefully i can learn new stuffs and introduce and ask for some advices here.
I'm looking for some Easy, Free, Powerful 3D animation (include ...
last post on March 23, 2012 - by Panther52
Favorite 3D Animation Movie
All 3D Animation Movie fans , talk about your favorite 3D Animation Movie.
My Favorite is Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.
What's your 3D Animation Movie ...
last post on March 23, 2012 - by Panther52
3d tv's
Now that's a cool gadget I want to own.. I should go buy it if I have enough money.. which I don't.. what technology fdoes it ...
last post on March 01, 2012 - by markshires
I'm looking for 3d artists for a fan-made project
I created a group for w.i.t.c.h. fans who have some skills that are good for creating the 3rd season. Some joined, but at the video department, people is joining so slow, meaning that is hard to find ...
last post on February 29, 2012 - by Alex910
3d games
Oh I just love 3d games ... I play it all the time.. u should join ...
last post on February 29, 2012 - by Alex910
Senor Chang - Community Fan Animation
Hey guys,
I've been working on this for a couple of days and I'd really love to hear what you guys think of it. I can already pick it apart already but there might be somethings I could have ...
last post on February 27, 2012 - by baalnazzar
lipsynth in maya
how do i lipsynth in maya? must i have a plugin or ...
last post on February 26, 2012 - by monjanse
Gnomon School of Visual Effects
Is the Gnomon school good for students who just graduated from high school. Is it good for people who don't have experience with 3D animation? Can I have reviews on anyone who's been ...
last post on February 25, 2012 - by GenesisRhapsodosff7
"OCEANSPLASH for Maya"-Create splashes in seconds
OceanSplash, an easy to use plugin for Maya to create awesome splashes fastest ever. The plugin creates splashes for animated objects/characters in seconds, that otherwise would ...
last post on February 16, 2012 - by daanish
Awesome 3d movies
Hey did u guys watch the new kung fu panda movie?? It was ...
last post on February 12, 2012 - by oknplm
Mixing programs zbrush - maya - 3ds
**I hope this is the right section to post**
Hello, I am trying to get back into 3d animation, I used lightwave for a few years in high school and became very good with the program.
I am now ...
last post on February 12, 2012 - by oknplm
Making a short animation with no experience in 3D
Hi everyone. I am creating a small series (this is a hobby with friends, not for college or school or anything) and we want to do different episodes in different mediums (live action, comic, audio ...
last post on February 12, 2012 - by oknplm
Maya user new to/ orienting myself in Max...some questions
Hey all and happy new year. This is my first posting on this forum. Ive been just trying to familiarise myself with Max and gradually im discovering some things but i still need to figure out the ...
last post on February 12, 2012 - by oknplm
Pixar has some of the world's best animated movies!!! Who's with me????? .....someone..someone?? U there with the ...
last post on February 12, 2012 - by oknplm
Animating a 3D Model- Beginner Questions
I make mock action movies as an excuse to test out and advance my skill at visual effects. In my next film, I want to try something out which I have never attempted before- 3D animation. I havea .3DS ...
last post on February 12, 2012 - by oknplm
Learning 3D Animation..... Where do i start?
Hey guys.... I've always been fascinated by 3D animation and recently considered doing one of the 3D animation courses from home. Can you give me some pro's and con's of this. What is getting work ...
last post on February 12, 2012 - by oknplm
Animating Talking Animals ...
I can dimly remember once seeing a documentary about how they made the animals talk in Dr. Dolittle.
Searched for it online, without any result so far...
There's also a Non-Smoking ...
last post on February 12, 2012 - by oknplm
Stargate kawoosh effect
Hi there,
I've hit a wall in my project.
For my final year project at university, I am making the control room from Stargate Atlantis.
I want to create the stargate activation effect using ...
last post on February 12, 2012 - by oknplm
Hello I hope this is the right place to post this,
I'm trying to gain support for a movie project that I am under taking with the people in my town. To acquire this support I have made a ...
last post on January 21, 2012 - by stollo770
help with ikinema and kinect
hi I am new to motion capture . I bought ikinema for maya 2012 but I dont have a vicon-blade etc I have a kinect., So my question is can I use ipisoft or brekel then import the motion capture into ...
last post on January 10, 2012 - by justinP
Your own 3d Avatar
Hi there,
I'm Paul from NaturalFront. We are a start-up specializing in innovative 3D solutions.
Our mission is to bridge the gap between the latest 3D innovation and ordinary people, and ...
last post on December 23, 2011 - by naumanahmad
How is this done?
This guy has taken characters from an MMO - FFXI and set them against photo backgrounds so they appear to be in real life.
The movements etc are from the game so how does he extract them from the ...
last post on December 14, 2011 - by Taru
FACE files - where do they come from?
I am currently working with an archive of 3D models, but I am struggling to determine which program they originate from. The file signature when viewed in a hex editor begins with FACE® - is anybody ...
last post on November 30, 2011 - by baalnazzar
3DS Max-Position & orientation constraints and two-hande
Hey everyone,
How do you attach two IK chains to one model? I have a costum human model which is already enveloped. I tried using position and orientation constraints to lock both hands with IK ...
last post on November 14, 2011 - by Sekiro