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Dominance War 5 Entry - by Kingston

Posted: December 18, 2010
Hi Kingston here,

I had completed The Dominance War 5 pre war competition this year,

3D Character Art Rules

Create one of the character classes in 3d, Technomage, war general, Shadow, Corrupted
Important: Your entry must include your team's logo emblem, or colors, or both
# 3000 tris total for character, weapons, and gear.
# 1024x1024 texture
No Normal maps, no bump maps

: )

KingstonZ_final_summit.jpg KingstonZ_final_WIP01.jpg KingstonZ_final_WIP04.jpg
Posted: December 18, 2010
more for the dominance war work in progress.

KingstonZ_final_WIP02.jpg KingstonZ_final_WIP05.jpg KingstonZ_final_WIP06.jpg