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Posted: February 24, 2010
“LinceoVR” imports three dimensional models generated from the most diffused CAD programs on the market, both for the Rhino world (with free plug-in) and that of Autodesk, thanks to a tool (Fbx Importer) that recovers 3D and animated models.
Each model is then customised with different coloured materials. With a technique new to the sector: realtime raytracing, an advanced lighting technique for the realtime display of 3D objects in exceptionally realistic computer graphics.

Using the common webcam, the virtual prototypes are then contextualised in the real world with images or videos, and sent via e-mail to clients and partners, which can be conveniently viewed at home or in the office thanks to “LinceoVR Viewer”, available for free download from the site Seac 02. The result? Lower creative process and decision making times, benefiting businesses.

“LinceoVR” is also enriched with certain additional components, like “Batch Reder”,a module that enables the automatic creation of an unlimited number of images of a product from every view point, reducing creation time by up to 100% compared to other software on the market.
