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3D Panorama View with 2D assets.

Posted: October 20, 2009
Hi @ll,
i hope this is the right forum, because it is a camera question.

I want to create a 3D panorama view with pre rendered 2D pictures.
I modeled a 3D enviroment and take picture in a cube.
So I got 6 pictures: Front, Back, Left, Right, Top, Bottom.

Now I build a cube and put the picture on it. And it works. Now when I am moving the cube around (or the camera) in the edges of the cube the pictures stretch and it looks unrealistic.

So I was think maybe a Sphere will help me. I generated a (hexa) Sphere and put again my 6 sides on it.

Now my problem is I have a "fish-eye" effect. I am new to 3D at all, and I read about the camera it can be "perspective projection" or "othogal projection" I am using the first one.

Is there a way to setting up the camera to minimize the "fish-eye" effect. Or is there another way to make a panorama 3D view?

Please let me know if I am wrong here, and may be you can help me find the right forum :/

Posted: October 22, 2009
CeeJay wrote:
Hi @ll,
i hope this is the right forum, because it is a camera question.

I want to create a 3D panorama view with pre rendered 2D pictures.
I modeled a 3D enviroment and take picture in a cube.
So I got 6 pictures: Front, Back, Left, Right, Top, Bottom.

Now I build a cube and put the picture on it. And it works. Now when I am moving the cube around (or the camera) in the edges of the cube the pictures stretch and it looks unrealistic.

So I was think maybe a Sphere will help me. I generated a (hexa) Sphere and put again my 6 sides on it.

Now my problem is I have a "fish-eye" effect. I am new to 3D at all, and I read about the camera it can be "perspective projection" or "othogal projection" I am using the first one.

Is there a way to setting up the camera to minimize the "fish-eye" effect. Or is there another way to make a panorama 3D view?

Please let me know if I am wrong here, and may be you can help me find the right forum :/



just apply uvw mapping for the cube and give the parameters to face . so it clears ur img strch.!


Posted: October 22, 2009
3d artist gallery Andyba
CeeJay, you have a fish eye effect because the textures are on sphere not because of the camera. From what I know virtual cameras from 3d softwares do not have fish eye effects.
But my knowledge may be out of date Smile can you post your results, this will clear things up a bit.
Posted: October 23, 2009
I am really new to 3D, when you talk from UVW maps, are there same same as UV Maps? And what do they do? I am guessing that are the infos you need where to put the textures in a 3D room? I dont get how could this change the stretch effect?
And when I am using a cube, and there is a horizontal line on to side of the cube. When I am eye level 0 on the same like the line, there is "just" the stretch effect in the corners but when i look up and down, the line will bend like a V or ^ this effect is unwanted to :/

and i know it works somehow, i have seen a on "cube map genereator" where you can but the six sides on a sphere and the programm will show a box around the sphere witch avoids somehow the bend and the stretch effect.

I just want to understand how it works, I am working on Hardware not any 3D programm so i cannot give some exapmle screenshots, sry :/

Posted: February 19, 2011
Российская федерация
