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Does anyone know how to create reflections like this.

Posted: June 13, 2009
Lotus IX
I know how to create a basic reflection, by flipping the image adding a gradient etc. But look at this reflection:

I can't post links... go to alienware's website, and the overview page of their new M17 model.

The notebook with the girl holding the sword... look at the reflection of the notebook - how did they do that?! You can't get the reflection at that angle simply by flipping and turning the notebook image.


Posted: June 13, 2009
3d artist gallery Andyba
It's done in 3D not in Photoshop as you probably think Smile
Posted: November 16, 2009
I think that is done into a composing software. If you have the image of the girl and the image of the notebook i think i could try to make a copy Very Happy