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A remarkable website

Posted: April 15, 2007
I enjoy reading Obadiah Shoher's website, Samson Blinded: A Machiavellian Perspective on the Middle East Conflict, for some period. A several weeks ago, admin printed an article which surprised me. His point was, how many of Obadiah's followers would at least call 1-800 number and say anonymously, "I support you"? Dozens of thousands visitors read the Samson Blinded often and agree with the author, but few are ready to act even in minor issues. In the post, Shoher asked f
or a minor issue: to aid spread the word. So here I'm, writing about the website,.
Shoher is a jurist, public figure, politician. He publishes exceptionally exciting articles about Israel, Europe, and Arabs, conflicts and terrorism, peace and religion. Shoher's views are very controversial, but frankly Obadiah's saying bare truth, the thing that us in the West hardly ever encounter in newspapers.
Obadiah's site was announced the best Jewish and Israeli blog in People's Choice Awards and came out top in four more categories, but Google refused to advertise it due to the "unacceptable content." Have a glance at http://www.samsonblinded.com/blog
Posted: June 04, 2007