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maya: Rigging workflow

Posted: June 08, 2006
Hey guys
If I rig my lowpoly version of my model
I should be able to Bind that to the high poly mesh?
Then just animate/rig the lowpoly right
Posted: June 08, 2006
Yes, you can use constraints or wrap deformers
Posted: June 08, 2006
Thanks.. so I'm on the right track?
I've been working in maya for a while now
I hate to think that I cant even rig in it..
Posted: June 08, 2006
It would be better to import the skinweights of a lowresVersion (if you need it) onto a highresVersion, because wrapping and lowPolycages could deform a bit other
Do you talk about subds or poly ?
Posted: June 08, 2006
Well right now I'm using CPS to do the model...
I was going to export out a low poly version, and a high poly version.
Posted: June 08, 2006
I actually always work with the smoothProxy
Posted: June 09, 2006
What is the differnce between useing a wrap deformer and useing the sbud proxy?
Posted: June 09, 2006
If i need to see the highPoly version i make two viewports left the editable lowpoly version (isolated) and right the highpoly version isolated
I can see both then, but it depends on the mesh density
Posted: June 09, 2006
Well the mesh wont be too dense.
Just practice.
Posted: June 09, 2006
So you could do what i do
But i hate that way to, because of that i started to work in modo
I like that way, because i don't have overlapping edges, or have to press certain keys to get an activeSmooth
I just look to the right, but its a question of taste i think
Wrap deformers deform by how near a vertex (or face (in facemode)) is, where skinning a subdProxy would take care about your hierarchical details in a consistent way
Because you deform the lowest hierarchy and the details are kinda glued onto those lowProxy faces
Wrap deformers are to fail more likely than subd Proxies
Best case to demonstrate that would be if you have hierarchical Edits on your subd that are quite long and spikey, to get that detail as a highres mesh you would have to increase the influenceArea of the wrapdeformer, where you still need only the same subd-lowpoly-cache to move that spikes when they are hierarchical edits
But no one ever talks here about hierarchical edits Wink the only really nice thing about maya's subds