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Single object Rendering MR help

Posted: June 12, 2011

iam new to MentalRay. I was using before V-Ray but dont have anymore V-Ray availible and with MR iam a little bit lost.

I want to render a simple scene where is one object and for bottom is used just a plane with a standard white material. The object is did from reflective material (metal) and for reflection is used a HDR map.

My question is what light i should use for the render MR light, Standard light, MR sun,...? I have no idea. Any suggestion which would push me forward would be great.

thx, T
Posted: June 13, 2011
For single object you may try with simple mrOmni, mrSpot lights or with portals. Test them and use the one that works best for your work.
Posted: June 13, 2011

thank you for the reply, i will try and will let know, thx

Posted: June 13, 2011
Hi again,

i used MR SkyPortals for the render and it was wayyy better than before, also i used some postprodcution in Photoshop using Ambient map and now so far iam satisfied with my render. Thank you alot for pushing me in the right way.