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Softimage Xsi: fcurve keys: from constant to linear or splin

Posted: February 09, 2007
Rod Politoff
I posted this question in the mailinglist and at XSIbase, but had not gotten a reply. I really need some help on this. Here's the email message.

"fcurve keys: from constant to linear or spline interpolation problem.

I have a scene that is animated with fcurves that are currently still in the constant interpolation state. My problem is I get weird results when I convert the keys to linear or spline. To be more specific, On a certain frame I have a key that is compose of what seems like two keys that are sharing the same frame but different value. All my animated objects has this problem with their fcurves on that frame.

I try looking in the user preference/animation tab, tweaking the neighboring keys's interpolation. I can't figure what's the deal. I searched the XSImailing list archive at highend3d.com. I found a thread or two regarding the issue, but no useful answer. I searched the XSInet knowledge base. But I couldn't access it because it ask me for a customer ID. What gives? So folks that are using this software at school don't have the right to access the info?

Another thing is, I took a new scene and set my default interpolation to be constant in the user preference, placed a few keys in the animation editor, and convert them to linear. I found no problems there. This is strange. "