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blender not workin?

Posted: June 08, 2006
Just got a tech question; I've just installed blender 2.41 on an WinXP box and I'm having some trouble
Every now and then (actually pretty often) blender will stop responding; its processor use goes to 100% and it stays that way for anywhere between 10ses to a couple of minutes
Would you have any idea whats causing this? The trigger seems to be when I put in a lot of keyboard or mouse input
Say in edit mode; if I'm moving a lot of verts around or playing with waypoint
Weight paints rather
Posted: June 08, 2006
Kortelas, tried to install linux? Wink
Posted: June 08, 2006
Posted: June 08, 2006
Kortelas, I'm serious
Kortelas, www.ubuntu.com
Posted: June 09, 2006
That'll be the next step; this machine's other OS is .. well, freebsd, but it'll be interesting to see how well blender works there
Thing is, I've got a Radeon x1900 which I can't get to run with DRI - have to use the VESA driver
I'm a mite annoyed with ATI for that.. their driver support for anything bar Windows is non-existant
Thats what I'm expecting
Still; I'd like to get blender working properly in windows... any idea's who I should talk to?
I've put to much input into blender; mouse clicks or hiting a couple of keys, blender locks up
Runs at 100% for a couple of secs... its pretty annoing
I'm still getting the feel for it; so I keep hitting the wrong keys
Posted: June 09, 2006
Hmm that sucks, maybe you overload it a bit?
Perhaps you acidentally hit F12
Posted: June 09, 2006
Nope, of that I'm sure